The pike Enthraller has a bass head molded on a Eagle Claw 730, 60 degree round bend heavy bronze wire hook. I make them with or without the fiber weed guard. The Enthrallers are my most popular pike jig, because they are the largest( 8" - 9") and widest. The tail is 5/8" to 7/8" wide. They are available in three sizes: 1/4 oz., 3/8 oz., and 1/2 oz. Iconic pike fisherman Jack Penny picked the Enthraller as the second best pike lure of them all. Number one of course is the Eppenger Daryl Devil. The most popular destination for my Enthrallers is Canada. The Enthraller being a rabbit hide jig will produce more pike and last ten times longer than any jig with plastic skirts, minnow bodies, or plastic tubes. Why settle for anything but the best?
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